Wednesday, March 15, 2017

We've got snow!

Yesterday, we got maybe 14" of snow. A bit less than forecast perhaps, but enough. Zac plowed us out while we were asleep. But the plow left a high bank of snow behind the car. Also, there were high winds during the storm that left 1-2 inches under the deck. I had a noon PT appointment at the pool, so we dug out the car this morning. It was a bright, sunny morning. Beautiful!

      Ellen digging out the car

When we first woke up, after tea and toast, we did a puzzle called Spelling Bee. It's published each Sunday in the NY Times, but you can find older ones online. We love it. It involves making as many words as possible from seven letters, with one letter designated as mandatory- it must occur in every word. This morning the letters were ABCHIL with a mandatory N. You can use each letter as often as you wish. Each word is worth 1 point, but if you use all 7 letters in one word, you get 3 points. Ellen strives for at least 20 points or more. I am content with 15. When we are stuck we give up and look at the answers and inevitably groan - "why didn't I see that!" It's fun.

I just had my PT appt. I'm impressed with the arsenal of exercises these folks have to improve balance. It should eventually make a difference. 

Right now I'm using the SIT 24-hour study room  a great Wi-Fi spot. 

    Study room at SIT - it is always open

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